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The new reception of the Njivice camp was built on the site of the old prefabricated market, which received a temporary building permit in the 1980s. The new structure had to strictly follow the form and size of the building plot and its orthogonal system. Urban planning parameters dictated 100% coverage of the plot, the possibility of building up to the edge of the plot, and the height according to the existing building.

Within these strict boundaries, through analyzing the location and users needs, the entrance facade wall is gently tilted towards the approach and departure of guests, forming a covered entrance space. In the orthogonal system, the diagonal of the transparent reception area opens up and directs the receptionist’s view towards “check-in” and all the way to the “check-out” parking across the way.

The floor plan deviation is reflected in the roof plane with an accentuated horizontal indentation, creating a dynamic entrance eave whose height continuously “grows” (up to the ridge height of the old market), while the height of the reception area’s facade remains constant, following the indentation. The deviation of the facade and the dynamics of the eave are emphasized by the external surroundings, which with its orthogonal system negate this deviation.

In terms of design, the new reception “emerged” from the stone paving found throughout the camp, raising it into a vertical plane and folding it into the roof surface, giving it a different dimension and perspective. The aim was to achieve the necessary prominence of the main reception building by using an unambitious material in an unexpected application.

Functionally and design-wise, the reception area (glazed, visible, extroverted) is clearly separated from the office-service area (closed, introverted). The interior reception counters are inclined in two directions – vertically following the roof slope of the building, while horizontally respecting the given orthogonal system, further emphasizing the accessibility and transparency of the service.

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